教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: Readings in Buddhist Philosophy


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description


核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    1.    學習慢讀佛哲原典。
    2.    中觀學與唯識學入門。
    3.    練習清楚解讀文獻(與原典搏鬥)並作哲學分析論證。
    4.    練習清晰表達哲學論述(書寫與討論)。
    5.    為未來修習進階課程或研究打好基礎。
    6.    政大佛教哲學之研究傳承與人才培育。

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    第1週  導論

    第2週  《迴諍論》1

    第3週  《迴諍論》2

    第4週  《迴諍論》3

    第5週  《迴諍論》4

    第6週  《迴諍論》5

    第7週  《迴諍論》6

    第8週  《迴諍論》7

    第9週  期中考週

    第10週  《唯識二十論》1

    第11週  《唯識二十論》2

    第12週  《唯識二十論》3

    第13週  《唯識二十論》4

    第14週  《唯識二十論》5

    第15週  《唯識二十論》6

    第16週  《唯識二十論》7

    第17週  口頭發表期末報告大綱

    第18週  期末考週

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria



    1. 期末報告,佔40%。
    2. 心得報告,佔30%。
    3. 課堂討論(含出席),佔30%。

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References


    龍樹造,梵志青目釋,鳩摩羅什譯。《中論》。CBETA T30, no. 1564。


    Siderits, Mark and Shōryū Katsura. 2013. Nāgārjuna's Middle Way: the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

    龍樹造,毘目智仙、瞿曇流支譯。《迴諍論》。CBETA T32, no. 1631。

    Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar (trans. with intro. and notes). 1998. The Dialectical Method of Nāgārjuna. Vigrahavyāvartanī, 4th ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

    Westerhoff, Jan. 2010. The Dispeller of Disputes: Nāgārjuna's Vigrahavyāvartanī. New York: Oxford University Press.

    世親造,玄奘譯。《唯識二十論》。CBETA T31, no. 1590。

    天親[=世親]造,真諦譯。《大乘唯識論》。CBETA T31, no. 1589。

    天親[=世親]造,瞿曇般若流支[或菩提流支]譯。《唯識論》。CBETA, T31, no. 1588。

    Anacker, Stefan. 2005. Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor, Revised Edition. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

    Tola, Fernando and Carmen Dragonetti. 2004. Being as Consciousness: Yogācāra Philosophy of Buddhism. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

    陳那造,玄奘譯。《觀所緣緣論》。CBETA T31, no. 1624。

    陳那造,真諦譯。《無相思塵論》。CBETA T31, no. 1619。

    呂澂、釋印滄。1928。〈觀所緣釋論會譯〉,《內學第四輯第三種》,頁1-33。或CBETA B09, no. 39。

    Duckworth, Douglas, Malcolm David Eckel, Jay L. Garfield, John Powers, Yeshes Thabkhas, Sonam Thakchoe. 2016. Dignāga's Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet. New York: Oxford University Press.



    護法造,義淨譯。《成唯識寶生論》。CBETA T31, no. 1591。參考 呂澂編校。1991。《成唯識寶生論》,歐陽竟無編,《藏要》。上海:上海書店,頁625-724。

    護法造,義淨譯。《觀所緣論釋》。CBETA T31, no. 1625。

    護法等造,玄奘譯。《成唯識論》。CBETA T31, no. 1585。

    窺基。《唯識二十論述記》。CBETA T43, no. 1834。



    何建興。2001。〈陳那論感官知覺及其對象〉,《正觀雜誌》,17: 4-31。

    何建興。2019。〈龍樹〉,《華文哲學百科》(2019 版本),王一奇(編)。URL=http://mephilosophy.ccu.edu.tw/entry.php?entry_name=龍樹。



    林鎮國。2018。〈論證與釋義:江戶時期基辨與快道《觀所緣緣論》註疏的研究〉,《佛光學報》,4, 2: 373-420。

    林鎮國。2020。〈觀所緣緣論〉,王一奇(編),《華文哲學百科》(2020 版本)。URL=http://mephilosophy.ccu.edu.tw/entry.php?entry_name=觀所緣緣論。


    胡志強。2019。〈護法《成唯識寶生論》論知覺及其所緣:兼與當代理論之交涉〉,《正觀》,89: 71-135。



    廖本聖、釋惠敏。2002。〈藏本調伏天《唯識二十論釋疏》譯注研究〉,《中華佛學學報》,15: 29-92。


    Cox, Collett. 1988. “On the Possibility of a Nonexistent Object of Consciousness: Sarvāstivādin and Dārṣṭāntika Theories”, The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 11, 1: 31-87.

    Deguchi, Yasuo, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest. 2008. “The Way of Dialetheist: Contradictions in Buddhism”, Philosophy East & West, 58, 3: 395-402.

    Dhammajoti, KL. 2007. Abhidharma Doctrines and Controversies on Perception, 3rd. ed. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong.

    Garfield, Jay L. (trans. and commentary). 1995. The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way. Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

    Gold, Jonathan C. 2015. Paving the Great Way: Vasubandhu's Unifying Buddhist Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press.

    Gold, Jonathan C. 2021. "Vasubandhu", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2021/entries/vasubandhu/.

    Inada, Kenneth K. (trans. with intro.). 1993. Nāgārjuna. A Translation of his Mūlamadhyamakakārikā with an Introductory Essay. Delhi: Sri Satguru.

    Kalupahana, David J. (trans. with intro. and annotation). 1991. Mūlamadhyamakakārikā of Nāgārjuna. The Philosophy of the Middle Way. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

    Kellner, Birgit. 2014. “Changing Frames in Buddhist Thought: The Concept of Ākāra in Abhidharma and in Buddhist Epistemological Analysis”, Journal of Indian Philosophy, 42: 275–295.

    Kellner, Birgit and John Taber. 2014. “Studies in Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda Idealism I: The Interpretation of Vasubandhu's Viṃśikā”, Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques, 68, 3: 709-756.

    Keng, Ching. 2019. "Three Senses of Atomic Accumulation - An Interpretation of Vasubandhu's Viṃśikā Stanzas 12–13 in Light of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya and Dharmapāla's Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun", Journal of Indian Philosophy, 47: 565-601.

    Priest, Graham. 2010. “The Logic of the Catuskoti”, Comparative Philosophy, 1, 2: 24–54.

    Ruegg, David Seyfort. 2010. “The Uses of the Four Positions of the Catuṣkoṭi and the Problem of the Description of Reality in Mahāyāna Buddhism”, in The Buddhist Philosophy of the Middle: Essays on Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka. Boston: Wisdom Publications, p. 37-112.

    Siderits, Mark. 2007. Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction. Indianapolis: Hackett.

    Siderits, Mark. 2016. Studies in Buddhist philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Silk, Jonathan A. 2016. Materials towards the Study of Vasubandhuʼs Viṁśikā (I): Sanskrit and Tibetan Critical Editions of the Verses and Autocommentary, an English Translation and Annotations. Cambridge, Mass.: Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University.

    Taber, John. 1994. “Kumārila's Refutation of the Dreaming Argument: the Nirālambanavāda-Adhikaraṇa”, in R. C. Dwivedi (ed.), Studies in Mīmāṃsā: Dr. Mandan Mishra Felicitation Volume. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, p. 27-52.

    Tillemans, Tom J.F. 2016. How Do Mādhyamikas Think? And Other Essays on the Buddhist Philosophy of the Middle. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

    Tuck, Andrew P. 1990. Comparative Philosophy and the Philosophy of Scholarship. On the Western Interpretation of Nāgārjuna. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

    Westerhoff, Jan. 2009. Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Westerhoff, Jan. 2018. “Nāgārjuna”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2021/entries/nagarjuna/.

    Wood, Thomas E.. 1991. Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijñānavāda. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


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