教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: Exploring Civic Urbanism


Type of Credit: Elective






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

近十年來,在全球各地,城市空間的生產與研究產生了極大程度的變革。隨著阿拉伯之春、佔領華爾街與西班牙的15M 等運動在全球城市點燃新一波的公民運動,城市公共空間的政治功能與意涵重新獲得重視;同時,在全球經濟蕭條的困境中,戰術性的城市改造運動,為發展停滯的城市注入一股活力。在這過程中,過去所依循之正規的城市發展手法受到挑戰;相反的,非正式甚至是游擊式的手段成了城市突破法規與財務困境的途徑。


Over the past decade, the mode of spatial production and research of cities around the world have experienced a remarkable shift. The rise of citizen movements such as the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and the 15M Movement in Spring has rekindled the political instrumentality of public space. During the global economic recession, tactical urbanism interventions became a method of reinvigorating the stagnant cities. Unlike the previous obsession with globalization, neoliberalism, and privatization, the focus of recent discourses has been on the subjectivity and agency of citizens and the emergence of civic urbanism. Still, the shift has been uneven and with mixed results, reflecting contesting forces and continued roles of the state and the market. In this context, what structural changes are possible under the emerging civic urbanism? As urban design and planning professionals, what are our roles in the movement? What conceptual framework and tools are needed to support a new way of city-making? Using keywords and a thematic framework, this course will build on the discourses and cases from the past decade to explore these shifts in planning theories and placemaking.

核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes





        Recognize the political process of city making and agency of civil society.

        Comprehend the context and theoretical underpinnings of the recent city-making


        Examine the role of planning and design professionals in the emerging civic


        Explore the discourses and actions of civic urbanism.

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements


    1. 課程概述 Course overview

    2. 現代城市的論述與生產 Making of Contemporary Urbanism

    3. 參與式規劃的發展與困境 Design as democracy?

    4. 日常城市主義 Everyday Urbanism

    5. 空間鬆綁 Loose Space

    6. 佔領/城市抵抗與公共空間 Occupy/ Urban Resistance & Public Space

    7. DIY/戰術/暫時性城市主義 DIY/Tactical/Temporary Urbanisms

    8. 城市游擊主義 Guerrilla Urbanism

    9. 城市混雜主義 Messy Urbanism

    10. 城市情感主義 Affective Urbanism

    11. 文資行動主義 Heritage Activism

    12. 城市共生與封閉 Urban Commons & Enclosures

    13. 城市農耕主義 Agro-Urbanism

    14. 游擊韌性  Guerrilla Resilience

    15. 城市學習主義 Pedagogical Urbanism

    16. 回顧與總結Review & conclusions


    課程操作方式將以講課以及討論為主,學生作業有三,包括:公民城市主義案例整理、現場觀察紀錄,以及一篇研究報告。The course format will consist of weekly lectures and in-class discussions. The assignments will include a case study of civic urbanism, an observation report, and a term paper.

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria

    公民城市主義案例整理 Civic Urbanism Case Study Report (20%)

    現場觀察紀錄 Site/Activity Observation Report (20%)

    研究報告 Research paper (40%)

    課堂參與 Class participation (20%)

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References



    Crawford, Margaret. 1999. Introduction. In Everyday Urbanism.


    Douglas, Gordon CC. (2014). Do-It-Yourself Urban Design: The Social Practice of Informal “Improvement” through Unauthorized Alteration. City and Community 13(1): 5-25.*


    Francis, Mark. 1999. “Proactive Practice: Visionary Thought and Participatory Action in Environmental Design,” Places 12(2)


    Franck, Karen A. and Quentin Stevens. 2007. Tying Down Loose Space. In Loose Space.


    Hall, Peter. 1996. The City of Dreadful Night. In Cities of Tomorrow.


    Hester, Randolph T. 1999. A Refrain with a View, Places 12(2).


    Hou, Jeffrey. 2010. Citizen Design: Participation and Beyond. In Companion to Urban Design.


    Hou, Jeffrey. 2010. (Not) your everyday public space. In Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities.


    Hou, Jeffrey, and Manish Chalana. (2016). Untangling the Messy Asian City. In Chalana, Manish, and Jeffrey Hou. (eds.), Messy Urbanism: Understanding the “Other” Cities of Asia, 1-21.


    Hou, Jeffrey and Michael Rios. 2003. Community-driven Placemaking: the Social Practice of Participatory Design in the Making of Union Point Park. Journal of Architectural Education, 57 (1)


    Jacobs, Jane. 1992. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. (Excerpt)


    Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 1999. “Performing the City: Reflections on the Urban Vernacular.” In Everyday Urbanism.


    Lydon, Mike, and Garcia, Anthony. (2015). Tactical Urbanism: Short-term Action for Long-term Change. (Excerpt)


    Platt, Rutherford H. 1994. From Commons to Commons: Evolving Concepts of Open Space in North American Cities. In The Ecological City.


    Urban Catalysts (2006). Pattern of the Unplanned. In Franck, Karen A., and Quentin Stevens (eds.), Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life.


    Textbook:  None


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