教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: Development Policies of the Asia-Pacific Region


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

The course is jointly offered by five faculty members who are specialized in different countries in the region of Asia-Pacific. It gives an overview of the political, economic and social developments of several major countries in the region, including Taiwan, China, North and South Korea, Japan, Austronesia and Singapore.

核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    The course aims to provide an overview of the development policies adopted by the countries in the region covered as well as an opportunity for students to compare development policies of these countries. At the end of the course, students are expected to be familiar with development policies in the region of Asia-Pacific and competent in discussing at least two country cases with detailed historical and empirical knowledge.

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    Development Policies of the Asia-Pacific Region

    Week 1     ( Prof. Hsiaopong Liu and Prof. Ching-Hsin Yu )


    Week 2 No class

    Week 3      ( Prof. Ching-Hsin Yu )

    Taiwan (I)

    Readings: “*” required readings

    Course Introduction

    *Rigger, Shelly, 2011.

    Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.

    *Clark, Cal and Alexander C. Tan. 2012.

    Taiwan’s Political Economy: Meeting Challenges, Pursuing Progress. Boulder, Col.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., chapter 1 to chapter 3.

    Readings: “*” required readings

    *Clark, Cal and Alexander C. Tan. 2012.

    Taiwan’s Political Economy: Meeting Challenges, Pursuing Progress. Boulder, Col.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., chapter 4 to chapter 5.

    *Fell, Dafydd. 2018.

    Government and Politics in Taiwan. London: Routledge, chapter 1 to chapter 7.

    Wang, Jiann-Chyuan. 2014.

    “Taiwan’s Role in Asia-Pacific Economic Integration.” Sarah Y. Tong, ed., Trade, Investment and Economic Integration. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Pub. Co., pp. 171-187.Zhu, Zhiqun editor-in-chief, Globalization, Development and Security in Asia, Volume 2

    Week 4    ( Prof. Ching-Hsin Yu )

    Taiwan (II)

    Readings: “*” required readings

    *Fell, Dafydd. 2018.

    Government and Politics in Taiwan. London: Routledge, chapter 8 to chapter 14.

    *Clark, Cal and Alexandra C. Tan. 2010.

    “Taiwan Enters the 21st Century: A Rude Awakening to the Costs of Success.” Wei-Chin Lee, ed., Taiwan's Politics in the 21st Century: Changes and Challenges [electronic resource]. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Pub. Co., pp. 103-129.

    Rigger, Shelley; Hickey, Dennis V.; Peter Chow. 2016.

    U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Prospects for Security and Economic Ties. Wilson Center, Washington, D. C.

    [ three chapters: Shelley Rigger, “Why Taiwan (Still) Matters in the Era of Trump and Tsai”; Dennis Hickey, “Taiwan’s Security in an Era of Uncertainty”; Peter Chow, “Outlook for U.S.-Taiwan Economic Partnership under President Trump’s “American First” Trade Policy”]

    Wang, T. Y., Chen, Lu-huei and Shu Keng. 2010.

    “Symbolic Politics, Self-Interests, and Threat Perceptions: An Analysis of Taiwan Citizens' Views on Cross–Strait Economic Exchanges.” Wei-Chin Lee, ed., Taiwan's Politics in the 21st Century: Changes and Challenges [electronic resource]. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Pub. Co., pp. 159-184.

    Week 5     ( Prof. Tse-Kang Leng )

    China (I)

    Political Economy of China’s reform

    Yingyi Qian, “How Reform Worked in China.” Dept. of Economics, UC Berkeley, 2001.


    Ling Chen & Barry Naughton, “A Dynamic China Model: The Co-Evolution of Economics and Politics in China.” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 26, No. 103(January 2017), pp. 18-34

    Mark R. Thompson, Stephan Ortmann, “Mis-modelling Singapore: China's Challenges in Learning from the City-state,” The China Quarterly, Vol. 236 (Dec 2018), pp. 1014-1032.

    Week 6      ( Prof. Tse-Kang Leng )

    China (II)

    Dynamics and Constraints of Local Governance in China

    Kristen Looney and Meg Rithmire, “ Urbanization with Chinese characteristics? China’s gamble for modernization”, Harvard Business School working paper, 2016.


    Tse-Kang Leng, “China’s Culture Policy and the Central-Local Relationship” in John A. Donaldson ed., Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China (London: Routledge), 2016. Chapter 7, pp. 162-183.

    Lu Ning, Liu Min and Wang Rensheng, 2020. “Reproducing the Discourse on Industrial Heritage in China: Reflections on the Evolution of Values, Policies and Practices.”  International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp.498-518.

    Week 7 No class

    Week 8 & Week 9   ( Prof. Da-wei Kuan )


    Indigenous peoples’ struggles and the sates’ efforts to restore historical justice is the key to decolonization in many countries. According to the UN definition, there are more than 260 million indigenous people in the Asia Pacific region, which comprises 70 percent of the total indigenous population in the world. It makes the development of indigenous societies inevitably an important issue for the development policies in this region. This section aims to retrace the colonial/de-colonial context, reveal the indigenous testimonies, and examine the contemporary efforts in seeking of reconciliation. With theoretical review and case studies, the three-week coursework will help students to articulate the theories of indigenous development, realize the relevant policy applications, and understand how they can contribute to the overall society.

    ·Bellwood, Peter , James J. Fox and Darrell Tryon.1995.” The Austronesians in History: Common Origins and Diverse Transformations. ” In The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives.Peter Belllwood,James J. Fox,and Darrell Tryon. Canberra:The Australian National University. Pp.1-38

    ·Amartya Sen. 1999. Development as Freedom, New York: Anchor Books. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4

    ·Coombes B, Johnson JT and Howitt R. (2012) Indigenous geographies I: Mere resource conflicts? The complexities in Indigenous land and environmental claims. Progress in Human Geography. 36(5), 810-821.

    ·Coombes, B., Johnson JT and Howitt R. (2013). "Indigenous geographies II: The aspirational spaces in postcolonial politics - reconciliation, belonging and social provision." Progress in Human Geography 37(5): 691-700.

    Conceptualizing Indigenous Development

    ·Bellwood, Peter , James J. Fox and Darrell Tryon.1995.” The Austronesians in History: Common Origins and Diverse Transformations. ” In The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives.Peter Belllwood,James J. Fox,and Darrell Tryon. Canberra:The Australian National University. Pp.1-38

    ·Amartya Sen. 1999. Development as Freedom, New York: Anchor Books. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4

    ·Coombes B, Johnson JT and Howitt R. (2012) Indigenous geographies I: Mere resource conflicts? The complexities in Indigenous land and environmental claims. Progress in Human Geography. 36(5), 810-821.

    ·Coombes, B., Johnson JT and Howitt R. (2013). "Indigenous geographies II: The aspirational spaces in postcolonial politics - reconciliation, belonging and social provision." Progress in Human Geography 37(5): 691-700.

    Cases in Southeast Asia

    ·Janet Cochrane. 1996, “The sustainability of ecotourism in Indonesia: fact and fiction”. In M.J.G. Parnwell and R.L. Bryant (eds.). Environmental Change in South-east Asia: People, Politics and Sustainable Development. Routledge: 237-259.

    ·Michael Goldman. 2004. “Eco-governmentality and other transnational practices of a ‘green’ World Bank,” Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements: 166-192.

    ·Peluso, Nancy and A. B. Purwanto. 2017.“The remittance forest: Turning mobile labor into agrarian capital”. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 39 (1), 6 –36.

    ·Acabado, S. 2018. Zones of refuge: Resisting conquest in the northern Philippine highlands through environmental practice. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2018.05.005  

    Cases in the Oceania

    ·Crosetto, J. (2005)"The Heart of Fiji's Land Tenure Conflict: The Law of Tradition and Vakavanua, the Customary "Way of the Land"" Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal(14): 71-101

    ·Lane, M. B. (2006)“The Role of Planning in Achieving Indigenous Land Justice and Community Goals,” Land Use Policy 23: 385–94

    ·Smith, L. T. (2017). Indigenous peoples and education in the Pacific region. In State of the World's Indigenous Peoples: Education (Vol. 3rd, pp. 163-184)

    ·Mostafanezhad, M.S. and K. Suryanata (2018) Is Farming Sexy? Agro-Food Initiatives and the Contested Value of Agriculture in Post Plantation Hawaii. Geoforum 97: 227–234.

    Week 10    ( Prof. Chao Chi Lin )

    Japan (I)

    Economic Growth/Calamity and the impact on Japanese politics

    Why was Japan able to rise quickly from the ashes of WWII? Why did the economy boom and bust in the 198os-1990s? What effects did the bursting of the bubble have on Japanese politics?

    Pempel, T.J. 1993 "From Exporter to Investor: Japanese Foreign Policy" in Curtis et al 1993. Japan's Foreign Policy After the Cold War. M.E. Sharpe. Ch5

    Pharr, Susan. 1993 "Japan's Defensive Foreign Policy and the Politics ofBurden Sharing" in Curtis et al 1993. Japan's Foreign Policy After the Cold War. M.E. Sharpe. CH11

    Tiberghien, Yves.2005.“Navigating the Path of Least Resistance: Financial Deregulation and the origins of the Japanese Crisis.” Journal of East Asian Studies. 5(3):427-464.

    Toyama, Kzuhiko. 2015. “The Curse of ‘Japan Inc.’ and Japan’s Microeconomic competitiveness.” In Yoichi Funabashi and Barack Kushner eds. Examining Japan’s Lost Decades. London, New York: Routledge. 56-76.

    Week 11      ( Prof. Chao Chi Lin )

    Japan (II)

    Where is Japan going? (Demographic Challenges and Security Challenges)

    What kind of country will Japan be in the rest of the 21st century? How will Japan deal with its large government budget deficit against the backdrop of a sluggish economy and aging population? How has Japan coped with the rise of China as a regional and global power?

    Seike, Atsushi. 2015. “Japan’s Demographic Challenges.” In Funabashi, Yoishi and Barack Kushner, Examining Japan’s Lost Decades. London New York, Routledge. pp1-16.

    Chung, Erin Aeran 2014. “Japan and Korea” in James F. Hollifield, Philip L. Martin, and Pia M. Orrenius eds. Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective, Third Edition. 399-421

    Curtis,Gerald. 2013. “Japan’s Cautious Hawks: Why do Tokyo is Unlikely to Pursue an Aggressive Foreign Policy.” Foreign Affairs. March/April. 92

    Lim, Daniel and Vreeland, James. 2013 “Regional Organizations and International Politics: Japanese influence over the Asian Development Bank and the UN Security Council, “ World Politics, 65(1):34-72.

    Week 12   ( Prof. Chung-Min Tsai )

    South Korea (I)


    1.South Korea in 2017, Asian Survey

    2.South Korea in 2018, Asian Survey

    Week 13   ( Prof. Chung-Min Tsai )

    South Korea (II)


    1.Rodrik, Dani, Grossman, G., & Norman, V. 1995. “Getting Interventions Right: How South Korea and Taiwan Grew Rich.” Economic Policy 20, 55-107.

    2.Atul Kohli. 1999. “Where Do High-Growth Political Economies Come From? The Japanese Lineage of Korea’s “Developmental State.”” In The Developmental State, edited by Meredith Woo-Cumings. (Cornell University Press)

    Week 14-15      ( Prof. Theo Clement )

    North Korea (I) & (II)

    This course aims at introducing students to the main political and economic developments in the DPRK (North Korea) since 1948. The main objective of the course is to dispel the main stereotypes about the least known country in Asia, discuss North Korea’s insertion in the current world order and internal mechanisms. The increased exposure of the North Korean population to the market economy will be a topic of specific focus, with students encouraged to discuss how infrastructural mechanisms such as a economic and institutional reforms can impact superstructural norms (diplomacy, culture, defense etc.). The course will be deeply interactive and split in two parts, the first one dealing with the Cold War era DPRK and the second one addressing current issues surrounding North Korea.

    Lecture 1:  Miracle and Trouble: North Korean Economy from 1950s to 1990s

         The origins of North Korea: guerrillas, colonization and foreign influence

         Juche: anti-colonialism and ideological opportunism

         Quest for independence: how North Korea shaped its economic integration with the Eastern bloc and the rest of the world

         The role of foreign actors in the DPRK’s economic golden age (1953-1962)

         A deeply unbalanced economy

         The End of the Cold War and loss of allies and supporters

         The collapse of the Public Distribution System

         The “Arduous March” and North Korean Famine

    Lecture 2: The New North Korea: Economic reform and grassroot capitalism

         Mettugi sijang: the sprawling of private markets in North Korea

         Economic experimentation and the Chinese model: Special Economic Zones of North Korea

         The weight of Chinese economic actors in the DPRK

         Consumer culture, individualism and social inequalities

         A new status for North Korean women?

    Indicative reading list :

    -FREEMAN, Carla (ed.), 2015, China and North Korea, Palgrave MacMillan.

    -GRZELCZYK, Virginie, 2018, North Korea’s New Diplomacy, Palgrave MacMillan.

    -CAISOVA, Lenka, 2019, North Korea’s Foreign Policy, Routledge.

    -FORD, Glyn, 2018, Talking to North Korea, Pluto Press.

    -CHA, Victor, 2018, The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future, Harper Collins.

    -KIM Song-chull, COHEN, Michael D., 2017, North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Entering the New Era of Deterrence, Georgetown University Press.

    -ANGUELOV, Nikolay, 2015, Economic Sanctions vs. Soft Power: Lessons from North Korea, Myanmar, and the Middle East, Palgrave MacMillan.

    -PARK Hyun-ok, 2015, The Capitalist Unconscious: From Korean Unification to Transnational Korea, Columbia University Press.

    -ABT, Felix, 2014, A Capitalist in North Korea: My Seven Years in the Hermit Kingdom, Tuttle Publishing.

    -KIM Suki, 2014, Without You, There Is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea's Elite, Crown Publishing.

    -CHA, Victor, KANG, David, 2018, Nuclear North Korea, A Debate on Engagement Strategies, Columbia University Press.

    -ARMSTRONG, Charles, 2013, Tyranny of the Weak, Cornell University Press.

    -ABRAHAMIAN, Andray, 2019, Being in North Korea, Brookings Institution Press.

    Week 16     ( Prof. Hsiaopong Liu )

    Singapore (I) : National Building

    Stephan Ortmann, “Singapore: The Politics of Inventing National Identity”

    Jianli Huang and Lysa Hong, “Chinese Diasporic Culture and National Identity: The Taming of the Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore”

    Eugene K. B. Tan, “Re-Engaging Chineseness: Political, Economic and Cultural Imperatives of Nation-Building in Singapore”

    Week 17 No class

    Week 18      ( Prof. Hsiaopong Liu )

    Singapore (II) : Ethnic Politics

    Netina Tan, “Manipulating Electoral Laws in Singapore”

    Lee Tong Soon, “Chinese Theatre, Confucianism, and Nationalism: Amateur Chinese Opera Tradition in Singapore”

    Hussin Mutalib, “The Singapore Minority Dilemma”

    External Relations

    Daniel Wei Boon Chua, “Revisiting Lee Kuan Yew’s 1965-66 Anti-Americanism”

    Philip Hsiaopong Liu, “Love the Tree Love the Branch: Beijing’s Friendship with Lee Kuan Yew”

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria


    ClassAttendance (10% each, 30% in total); (2) Participation (10% each, 30% in total); (3) 5-page Analytical Essay on each country's Political Economy (40%).

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References


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