學年學期 Academic Year / Semester 103學年度第2學期 Spring Semester, 2015
開課單位 Course Department 法律碩一、法律碩二 MA Program of Law, Second Year
課程名稱 Course Name (中 Ch.)西洋法律思想史專題研究(二) (英 Eng.)Seminar on History of Western Legal Thought(Ⅱ)
授課教師 Instructor 陳起行 CHEN CHI-SHING
職稱 Title 專任教授 Professor
學分數 No. of Credits 3.0
修別 Type of Credit 群修 Partially Required
先修科目 Prerequisite(s)
課程目標 Course objectives

課程大綱 Course Description

104學年第二學期西洋法律思想史專題 課程大綱 陳起行
主題:私法問題研究– 德行的歷史與比較觀點
>>問題提出* 表示沒有數位版本
Gouldner, Alvin W. "The Norm of Reciprocity: A Preliminary Statement." American Sociological Review, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Apr., 1960): 161-178.
Barnett, Randy E. "Restitution: A New Paradigm of Criminal Justice." Ethics, Vol. 87, No. 4 (Jul., 1977): 279-301.
DiMatteo, Larry A. "History of Natural Law Theory: Transforming Embedded Influences into a Fuller Understanding of Modern Contract Law, The." U. Pitt. L. Rev. 60 (1998): 839.
Smith, Lionel. "Restitution: The Heart of Corrective Justice." Texas Law Review, Jun 2001; 79, 7; ProQuest: 2115-2175.
Cimino, Chapin F. "Virtue and Contract Law." Oregon Law Review, Vol.88 (2009): 703-744.
*Bix, Brian, Chap. 8, Modern Contract Law Practices: Questions of Legitimation and Moral Obligation, in Contract law: rules, theory, and context. Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 128 – 46..
Weinrib, Ernest J. The Idea of Private Law. Oxford University Press, January 2012.
Modak-Truran, Mark C. "Corrective Justice and the Revival of Judicial Virtue." Yale
Journal of Law and the Humanities 12 (2000): 249-298.
Dagan, Hanoch. "The Distributive Foundation of Corrective Justice." Michigan Law Review (1999): 138-166.
Teubner, Gunther. "Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law or How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Divergencies." The Modern Law Review 61.1 (1998): 11-32.
*Surveying the landscape, in Zimmermann, Reinhard, and Simon Whittaker, eds. Good faith in European contract law. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
>>德行倫理: 歷史及其比較
Haskins, Ekaterina V. "Mimesis between poetics and rhetoric: Performance culture and civic education in Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 30.3 (2000): 7-33.
Muir, James R. "Is our history of educational philosophy mostly wrong? The case of Isocrates." Theory and research in education 3.2 (2005): 165-195.
Cheng, Chung-ying. "Greek and Chinese Views on Time and the Timeless." Philosophy East and West, Vol. 24, No. 2, Time and Temporality (Apr., 1974): 155-159.
Goodenough, Ursula, and Paul Woodruff. "Mindful Virtue, Mindful Reverence." Zygon®, Vol.36, No.4 (December, 2001): 585-595.
Lloyd, Geoffrey, Ernest Richard. Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections: Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture. Oxford University Press, April 2005.
Tiwald, Justin. "Confucianism and virtue ethics: still a fledgling in Chinese and comparative philosophy." Comparative Philosophy, Vol.1, No.2 (2010): 55-63.
Yu, Jiyuan. "The Practicality of Ancient Virtue Ethics: Greece and China." Dao 9.3 (2010): 289-302.
“Commercial Law” in Gagarin, Michael, and David Cohen, eds. The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
MacDowell, Douglas M. "Hybris in Athens." Greece and Rome (Second Series) 23.01 (1976): 14-31.
Cohen, Edward E. Consensual contracts at Athens. Vol. 17. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006.
Carawan, Edwin. "Oral" Agreement", Written Contract, and the Bonds of Law at Athens." MNEMOSYNE-LEIDEN-SUPPLEMENTUM- 280 (2007): 321.
*Mason, Andrew. "MacIntyre on modernity and how it has marginalized the virtues." (1996).
*Sealey, Raphael, On the Athenian Concept of Law, The Classical Journal, v. 77, no. 4, pp. 289 – 302, 1982
* “Private Law”, in Benardete, Seth. Plato's" Laws": The Discovery of Being. University of Chicago Press.
*”Contract”, in Jones, John Walter. The law and legal theory of the Greeks: an introduction. Clarendon Press, 1956.
Allen, Reginald E. "The Speech of Glaucon in Plato's Republic." Journal of the History of Philosophy 25.1 (1987): 3-11.
*Harris, Edward M. “How strictly Did the Athenian Court Apply the Law? The Role of Epieikeia, in The Rule of Law in Action in Democratic Athens. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Opderbeck, David W. "Virtue-Centered Approach to the Biotechnology Commons (Or, the Virtuous Penguin), A." Me. L. Rev. 59 (2007): 315.
Benkler, Yochai, and Helen Nissenbaum. "Commons‐based Peer Production and Virtue*." Journal of Political Philosophy 14.4 (2006): 394-419.
Holt, Robert J. "Social Media and the “Perpetual Project” of Ethos Construction." Young Scholars in Writing (2012).
Laquintano, Tim. "Sustained Authorship: Digital Writing, Self-Publishing, and the Ebook." Written Communication 27.4 (2010): 469-493.
*Case 18: Access to Medical Record, in Zimmermann, Reinhard, and Simon Whittaker, eds. Good faith in European contract law. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

上課進度 Class schedule

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教學助理工作項目 Teaching assistant tasks

課程要求/評分標準 Course requirements/Grading standards

參考書目 Textbook & references (為維護智慧財產權,請務必使用正版書籍)

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本課程附件 Course attachments
