


  1. 02/23 導言

  2. 03/02 定義、根源與意識形態

  3. 03/09 文革暴力(一)

  4. 03/16 文革暴力(二) 

  5. 03/23 政治稜鏡

  6. 03/30 紅衛兵運動

  7. 04/06 「知青」

  8. 04/13 毛崇拜、批資反路線

  9. 04/20 知識分子、派性、異端思潮(略)

  10. 04/27 文革歷史紀錄片。

  11. 05/04 Perry, Elizabeth J.(裴宜理)and Li Xun(李遜). "Revolutionary Rudeness: The Language of Red Guards and Rebel Workers in China's Cultural Revolution." In Twentieth-Century China: New Approaches, ed. Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, 221-236. London and New York: Routledge, 2003.

  12. 05/11 Dittmer, Lowell(羅德明). "Learning form Trauma: The Cultural Revolution in Post-Mao Politics." In New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution, ed. William A. Joseph, Christine P. W. Wong and David Zweig, 19-39. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.

  13. 05/18 Walder, Andrew G.(魏昂德) "Cultural Revolution Radicalism: Variations on a Stalinist Theme." In New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution, ed. William A. Joseph, Christine P. W. Wong and David Zweig, 41-61. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.

  14. 05/25 White, Lynn T. III.(白霖) "The Cultural Revolution as an Unintended Result of Administration." In New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution, ed. William A. Joseph, Christine P. W. Wong and David Zweig, 83-104. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.

  15. 06/01 Thurston, Anne F.(石文安) "Urban Violence During the Cultural Revolution: Who Is to Blame?" In Violence in China: Essays in Culture and Counterculture, ed. Jonathan N. Lipman and Steven Harrell, 149-174. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1990.
  16. 06/08 Madsen, Richard.(趙文詞) "The Politics of Revenge in Rural China During the Cultural Revolution." In Violence in China: Essays in Culture and Counterculture, ed. Jonathan N. Lipman and Steven Harrell, 175-201. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1990.
  17. 06/15 Walder, Andrew G.(魏昂德) "Ambiguity and Choice in Political Movements: The Origins of Beijing Red Guard Factionalism." American Journal of Sociology, vol. 112, no. 3 (November 2006): 710-50.