教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: Language and the World


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

Our college offers specialized undergraduate teaching in English, Arabic, Slavic languages, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian languages. This course helps students acquire foreign languagaes efficiently and establish a broad view on world languages by understanding the fundamental knowledge about language and the similarities and differences across languages.

The following topics are included:

  • The nature of language; language and the brain; language and sounds; language and words; language and structure; language and meaning; language and use

核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes


    The fundamental knowledge about language helps students acquire foreign languages efficiently.

    The similarities and differences across languages help students establish a broad view on world languages.

    The discussion of language issues helps students develop logical, critical, and integrative thinking.


    Assignments, quizzes, and reports are employed to evaluate students’ learning outcomes, including students’ understanding of the knowledge about language, their observation and analysis of language issues, and their logical, critical, and integrative thinking.
    藉由學生的作業、測驗與報告評核學生的學習成效,包含學生對語言知識之瞭解、學生對語言之觀察與分析、 學生對語言之思考、整合及批判。

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    Week 1     The nature of language  語言的本質

    • Course introduction
    • Lecture on the topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 1
    • Group discussion

    Week 2     Language & the brain  語言與大腦

    • A quiz on the nature of language
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 9
    • Group discussion

    Weeks 3‐5     Language & sounds  語言與聲音

    • A quiz on language and the brain
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapters 2 & 3
    • Analysis of similarities and differences across languages
    • Group discussion

    Weeks 6‐8     Language & words  語言與詞彙

    • A quiz on language and sounds
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 4
    • Analysis of similarities and differences across languages
    • Group discussion

    Weeks 9‐11     Language & structure  語言與結構

    • A quiz on language and words
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 5
    • Analysis of similarities and differences across languages
    • Group discussion

    Weeks 12‐14     Language & meaning  語言與意義

    • A quiz on language and structure
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 6
    • Analysis of similarities and differences across languages
    • Group discussion

    Weeks 15‐17     Language & use  語言與使用

    • A quiz on language and meaning
    • Lecture on this topic
    • Readings from Language Files, Chapter 7
    • Analysis of similarities and differences across languages
    • Group discussion

    Week 18     Presentation of the term report

    • A quiz on language and use
    • Students' oral presentations

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其它: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria


    • Attend class on time. You do not pass the course if you are absent over three times.
    • Class participation through discussion and group work is essential.
    • Assignments and quizzes are given from time to time, so you are strongly urged to preview and review the reading assignments.
    • Oral reports and a final written report are required.
    • Assignments and reports must be turned in on time. There is a 10% penalty per day submissions are turned in late.

    GRADING  評分標準

    • Oral and written reports           50%
    • Assignments & quizzes            30%
    • Attendance & participation     20%
    • Cheating or plagiarism            FAIL

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References

    Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 12th Edition. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

    Rickerson, E.M., and Hilton, B. (Eds.) 2012. The 5‐Minute Linguist: Bite‐sized Essays on Language and Languages, Second Edition. Sheffield: Equinox.

    已申請之圖書館指定參考書目 圖書館指定參考書查詢 |相關處理要點

    維護智慧財產權,務必使用正版書籍。 Respect Copyright.

    課程相關連結Course Related Links


    課程附件Course Attachments

    課程進行中,使用智慧型手機、平板等隨身設備 To Use Smart Devices During the Class

    需經教師同意始得使用 Approval
