Type of Credit: Partially Required
This course is one of the three core courses for students of College of Foreign Languages and Literature. In this course, we will read the world through a number of literary works from the pre-modern times to the modern times with an array of different cultures such as Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, German, English, French, American, Russian, and Turkish. We will examine in these works topics of world views, life and death, heroism, love and marriage, war and revolution, conflicts and change, and diaspora. In addition to primary works, we will also read several critical texts on the features of the three genres of literature—poetry, drama, and fiction.
1. 分析詮釋世界文學的主題,並能說明作品的批判意義。
2. 對文本閱讀能形成獨立思考意見,能表達自己的意見;透過不同文本分析而
3. 能理解與表述詩、戲劇、小說之不同技巧風格,並有批判能力。
Upon completing this class, students will
1. Be able to analyze, interpret, and demonstrate a critical understanding of the major themes in literature of different cultures
2. Be able to form and express opinions of the assigned readings and develop critical reading, writing, and thinking skills through the analysis of different literary texts
3. Be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the various techniques and styles of poetry, drama, and fiction.
從文學看世界Read the World through Literature |
週 |
時期 |
國別 Nationality |
課程主題 Topic |
課程內容與指定範圍 Content and Reading Assignment |
議題 Issue |
1 |
課程簡介 文學專有名詞介紹 |
2 |
前 現 代 時 期 文 學 |
1.1 |
希伯來、希臘、羅馬(林質心老師) |
《神譜》、聖經、《變形記》中的世界觀 |
pp. 3-15 |
3 |
1.2 |
希臘 (姜翠芬老師) |
弒父娶母的希臘悲劇英雄伊底帕斯 |
索夫克里斯,《伊底帕斯王》 (Sophocles’ Oedipus the King)(409 BCE) 英文版pp. 666-706 (共41頁) (中文版91-163頁) |
英雄 |
4 |
1.3 |
中東、中亞 (蘇怡文老師) |
The Qur'an: an Array of Truths古蘭經:詮釋與真理 |
《可蘭經》(The Qurʾan, s.12, and other verses. ) (610-632) s.9:1-29; s.18; s.55; s.60; s.76; s.100; s.109 [15:1; 22:16; 24:46; 27:1; 2:99; 24:34; 20:2-3; 2:219; 25:33] [54:17; 18:45; 22:73; 24:35; 30:58; 62:5; 44:58] [3:179; 6:59; 7:188; 18:60-82] [3:7; 57:3; 6:73; 9:105; 13:9; 23:92] [6:50; 7:188; 11:49; 16:77; 34:3; 34:14; 72:26; 18:65] [2:219; 5:90-91] [20:5; 55:27; 54:14; 38:75; 2:253] [112:4; 42:11] [76:3; 6:148-149; 41:46; 3:30; 99:7-8; 21:47; 18:29] [76:29-30; 4:88; 6:39; 6:147; 7:186; 81:29] [2:106; 7:54; 4:59] (Translation by Yusuf Ali: http://www.islam101.com/quran/yusufAli/) pp. 388–389 阿布‧努瓦斯,(Abū Nuwās)飲酒詩 |
5 |
1.4 |
日本 (鄭家瑜老師) |
從《源氏物語,光源氏的戀愛故事》看另一個英雄神話 |
紫式部,《源氏物語》(1001-1010)pp. 266-330 (共64頁)
英雄 |
6 |
1.5 |
韓國 (陳慶智老師) |
一然,〈檀君神話〉(1281-1283) pp. 70-71 (共2頁) |
7 |
1.6 |
英國 (施堂模老師)(guest speaker) |
Sir Gawain and Coriolanus: The Individual and Collective Duty (高文爵士和科利奧蘭納斯:個人和集體責任) |
英雄 |
8 |
18 & 19 世 紀 文 學 |
2.1 |
英國 (吳易道老師) |
從《傲慢與偏見》(1813) 看英國紳士的身世之謎 |
珍.奧斯汀,《傲慢與偏見》(1813)pp. 1-9, 52-64, 144-49, 268-74(共35頁) |
社會階級、教育、婚姻 |
9 |
2.2 |
德國 (姚紹基老師) |
從海涅的《德國,一個冬天的童話》看19世紀的德國 |
海涅,《德國,一個冬天的童話》(1844)第6、7、11、13、14-17、18章 |
革命、 社會批判 |
10 |
2.3 |
西班牙 (楊瓊瑩老師) |
從索瑞亞的《唐璜》看十九世紀西班牙的愛情、婚姻、名譽與宗教救贖 |
何瑟.索瑞亞(Jose Zorrilla),《唐璜》(1844)pp. 32, 57-59, 106-114, 119, 120, 122, 131, 132, 134-139, 149, 150-151, 154, 177-178, 189-220 pp. 215-217, 219-220 |
名譽、貞節、愛情、自由、婚姻、宗教救贖 |
11 |
2.4 |
英國 (陳音頤老師) |
從《簡愛》(1847)看維多利亞上流社會、女性地位和帝國殖民 |
勃朗特,《簡愛》(1847) Chapters 12, 23, 26 (共31頁) |
浪漫主義、中產階級、女性成長 |
12 |
2.5 |
俄羅斯 (鄢定嘉老師) |
〈五月的塞瓦斯托波爾〉(1855)——托爾斯泰戰爭書寫中的人性論與歷史觀 |
托爾斯泰,〈五月的塞瓦斯托波爾〉(1855)pp. 128, 168, 160, 164, 165, 174 |
戰爭、人物心理 |
13 |
現 代 時 期 文 學 |
3.1 |
日本 (黃錦容老師) |
日本人的戀愛觀(暫定) |
Chapter 2, pp. 29-43(共14頁) |
粹的媚態與戀愛 |
14 |
3.2 |
美國 (邱彥彬老師) |
被竊取的運動:從傑克倫敦的〈衝浪〉看美國20世紀初期的原始主義與白人至上論 |
傑克.倫敦,〈一項高貴的運動〉(1907) Chapter 6 中譯:www.21uscity.com/info/25915
原始主義、白人至上主義、現代主義 |
15 |
3.3 |
土耳其 (李珮玲老師) |
從約美爾.塞菲汀的兩則短篇小說看20世紀初的土耳其 |
盲目西化、東方主義 |
16 |
3.4 |
法國 (孟丞書老師Bernard Montoneri) |
由聖.修伯里的《小王子》探討自我中心主義及心胸狹隘議題 |
聖埃克蘇佩里,《小王子》(1943) Chapters 4, 21 |
愛、友情、希望、懷舊 |
17 |
3.5 |
阿拉伯 (王經仁老師) |
離散與心靈追尋:不是天方夜譚的阿拉伯文學世界 |
宗教、價值衝突、難民、離散 |
課程要求Course Requirements
1. 上課前,預習當週指定文本,寫問題心得。
2. 上課鐘響後五分鐘內,繳交每週閱讀心得(範例見附件)給助教。每週問題
3. 每次上課有小考。沒有補考。沒有期中考也沒有期末考。
4. 課程第三小時由助教帶領問題討論,學生應踴躍參與討論。
5. 每次課程結束前,學生應針對當日課程教師作教學評鑑。
6. 學生將分組寫個人的期末報告,期末報告應有三頁長,若以英文書寫,請隔
8. 課程時間為每週五早上9 - 12 點。課程時間安排形式如下:
09:10-09:15 學生交課前作業給助教
09:15-11:00 教師演講
11:00-11:10 下課休息; 學生至討論教室
11:10-11:25 小考
11:25-12:00 助教帶領課堂討論; 學生報告; 助教講評
1. Students are required to finish their assigned reading, finish their one-paged weekly reading response before coming to the class.
2. Students have to turn in their one-paged weekly reading homework to their Teaching Assistant once they come to the class. Weekly reading questions will be posted on the Moodle platform. No late homework will be accepted.
3. Students will be tested on the content of the assigned reading each week. No make-up test will be given. Neither mid-term nor final examination will be given for this course.
4. Teaching Assistants will be in charge of the third hour of the discussion session. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion.
5. At the end of each session, students are supposed to do teaching evaluation for each individual teacher.
6. Students will be divided into groups to do their term papers. The term paper should be at lease 3 pages long, double space if it is in English. The term paper format will be posted on the Moodle platform. The deadline of the term paper is the last week of the semester. They are strongly recommended to discuss the topic and outline of their term paper with their TA. No plagiarism. No late paper will be accepted.
7. Our class is from 9 am to 12 pm Friday. The class format is as follows.
09:10-09:15 Students submit Pre-class assignment to TAs
09:15-11:00 Instructor’s lecture
11:00-11:10 Break; students walk to their discussion classrooms
11:10-11:25 Quiz
11:25-12:00 TAs lead class discussion; students’ report; TAs’ comments
評分標準Grading Policy and Percentage
小考 35%
課堂討論 20%
期末報告 30%
One-paged weekly pre-class reading response 15%
Quizzes 35%
Class discussion 20%
Term paper 30%
索夫克里斯。《伊底帕斯王》。黃毓秀譯。《希臘悲劇》。黃毓秀,曾珍珍合譯。台北:書林,1994。91-165 頁。
索夫克里斯。《伊底帕斯王》。胡耀恆,胡宗文譯。桂冠世界文學名著111。臺北:桂冠, 1998。
Aristotle. Poetics. trans. Francis Fergusson. Taipei: Bookman, 1961.
Horton, Rod W. and Vincent F. Hopper. Backgrounds of European Literature. Taipei: Bookman Books, n.d.
Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Trans. Robert Bagg. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ed. Martin Puchner et all. 9th edition. New York:
W. W. Norton &Co., 2014. 666-706.
Arabic Literature to the end of the Umayyad Period, 10–26 (Beeston); 27-109 (El-Tayib).
Ahmed, What is Islam? 32-46, 57-71.
Sonn, T. ‘Introducing.’ In The Blackwell Companion to the Qurʾān. Edited by A. Rippin. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishing, 2006, 3-17.
Jāmī. Yusuf and Zulaikha. Translated by D. Pendlebury. London: The Octagon Press, 1980, 1-8, 110-136.
Antara’s muʿallaqa, translated by A.J. Arberry, 179-184.
An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades : memoirs of Usāmah ibn-Munqidh, translated by Philip K. Hitti, 152-154, 195-197.
(中文) 紫式部著、林文月譯《源氏物語(一)》,洪範出版社,2000.1。
(中文) 澀谷榮一《源氏物語樂讀本》,好讀出版社,2012.1。
(日文) 秋山虔編《源氏物語必携》,学燈社,1967.4。
(日文) 紫式部著、阿部秋生等編校《日本の古典―完訳〈16〉源氏物語 3》,小学館,1984.5。
(日文) 阿部秋生、今井源衛、秋山虔、鈴木日出男訳《新編日本古典文學全集 (21) 源氏物語 (2)》,小学館,1994.12。
(日文) 秋山虔、 小町谷照彦編《源氏物語圖典》,小學館,1997.7。
西班牙(18&19 cen)
何瑟‧索瑞亞(José Zorrilla)。《唐璜/東煥.德諾略》(Don Juan Tenorio)。王安博譯。台北市:書林書局,1996。
Zorrilla, José. Don Juan Tenorio. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986.
德國(18&19 cen)
Heinrich Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen. Hrsg. von Werner Bellmann. Stuttgart: Reclam 1979.
伊迪絲漢彌敦(Edith Hamilton)著;余淑慧譯。《希臘羅馬神話:永恆的諸神.英雄.愛情與冒險故事》。台北市:漫遊者文化,2015。
法國(18&19 cen)
Barbier Catherine & Jedynak Sylvie, Etude sur Beaumarchais, Le Mariage de Figaro, Paris : Ellipses, 1999
Beaumarchais, Le Barbier de Séville, Paris : Larousse, 2006
Beaumarchais, Le Mariage de Figaro, Paris : Bordes, 2003
Beaumarchais, Le Barbier de Séville, Le Mariage de Figaro, La Mère Coupable, Paris : Pocket, 1999
Gailliard Muriel, Beaumarchais, Paris : Ellipses, 1999
Violette Patrick, Beaumarchais, Paris : Nathan, 1999
1. 納吉布.馬哈福茲。《街魂》。關偁譯。台北:桂冠,2000。
2. El-Enany, Rasheed. “Religion in the Novels of Naguib Mahfouz.” British Society for Middle Eastern Studies 15.1/2 (1988): 21-27.
3. Alshaer, Atef. “Identity in Mahmoud Darwish’s Poem ‘The Dice Player’,” Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 4 (2011), 90-110.
4. Darwish, Mahmoud. “The Dice Player,” VQR online 85.1 (winter 2009),