學年學期 Academic Year / Semester 105學年度第1學期 Fall Semester, 2016
開課單位 Course Department
課程名稱 Course Name (中 Ch.)大學英文(一) (英 Eng.)College English I
授課教師 Instructor 賴宇彤 LAI YU-TUNG
職稱 Title 專任講師級約聘教學人員 Contracted Full-time Lecturer
選課人數 Number Registered 0人
學分數 No. of Credits 2.0
修別 Type of Credit 群修 Partially Required
先修科目 Prerequisite(s)
上課時間 / 教室 Session / Location 三56 / 資訊140307 wed14-16 / 140307

This course teaches students with the necessary language and communicative skills needed to develop the English proficiency. The learning activities for each lesson will give students the opportunities to practice the four language skills, including reading, listening, speaking and writing.

課程目標 Course objectives

By the end of this course, students should be able to identify the main points and concepts when reading the passages in the books, grasp the general meaning while listening to the instructional talk, ask and answer the questions using proper sentences, write the exercises using complete sentences, and apply learned vocabularies in the daily life context.



每周課堂教學時數: 2 小時

每周預習/複習時數: 8 小時

評分標準 /成績相關規定 Course requirements/Grading standards

1. Attendance and Class Participation: Students are required to attend the class regularly and punctually. All absences must be informed to avoid the mark deduction. Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and activities. NOTE: Unexcused absences may lead to the failure of this course!
2. Tests will be given to evaluate your listening and speaking skills. If you miss any test or quiz, you MUST PROVIDE A DOCTOR’S NOTE and you should talk to me WITHIN TWO WEEKS, otherwise you will receive ZERO automatically!

1. Attendance: 20%
2. Class Participation: 20%
3. Assignments: 10%
4. Midterm Exam: 20%
5. Final Exam: 30%

This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion

每週課程進度與作業要求 【請詳述每週課程內容/授課方式與學生預習內容/學習活動/課後作業】


授課教師Office Hours、地點


教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks

Photocopying the handouts
Grading the quizzes/assignments
Videotaping the presentations

指定/參考書目 Textbook & references (為維護智慧財產權,請務必使用正版書籍)

Passages 2 (3rd Edition) by Jack C. Richards & Chuck Sandy

課程相關連結 Course related links

課程附件 Course attachments

指定參考書目清單     圖書館指參系統      指定參考書說明      指定參考書相關處理要點