學年學期 Academic Year / Semester 100學年度第2學期 Spring Semester, 2012
開課單位 Course Department 資科碩一、資科碩二 MA Program of Computer Science, Second Year
課程名稱 Course Name (中 Ch.)應用機器學習技術 (英 Eng.)Machine Learning Techniques for Applications
授課教師 Instructor 蔡銘峰 TSAI MING-FENG
職稱 Title 專任助理教授 Assistant Professor
學分數 No. of Credits 3.0
修別 Type of Credit 選修 Elective
先修科目 Prerequisite(s)
課程目標 Course objectives

Although it is possible to learn a variety of machine learning and data mining techniques from lectures or books, how to accurately and effectively apply the techniques to the real-world data is a completely different story. In many cases, data minders have to suffer a painful process of trail and error because of lack of experience. Therefore, it is quite important to learn how to deal with the practical issues on data.

課程大綱 Course Description

In this course, we aim to increase students’ experiences by handling some real-world problems proposed as the past or ongoing competitions in machine learning or data mining society. In particular, our goal is to participate in ACM KDDCup2012, which is the most prestigious data mining competition. The course will be run in an interactive manner, and students must discuss with the instructors and other classmates about their findings and the problems they encounter every week.

上課進度 Class schedule

1. Before KDDCup 2012 Registration Opens (March 5): overview of machine learning and data mining techniques by instructors
1) Association Rules and Classification (one week)
2) Support Vector Machines and AdaBoost (one week)
3) Feature Selection and Evaluation (one week)

2. Before KDDCup 2012 Begins (March 12): literature survey or work on other similar competition datasets

3. Before KDDCup 2012 Ends (June 29): work on KDDCup 2012 until end of competition and possibly paper writing later (if we win)

教學方式 Teaching approach

The course will be run in an interactive way, in which students must discuss with the instructors and other classmates about their findings as well as the problems they encountered every week. Students need to implement different kinds of intelligent systems for the competition and run extensive experiments to verify them. Students will compete with the other students in the class as well as other teams all over the world in KDDCup. Students will have WEEKLY presentation about their progress in the previous week.

教學助理工作項目 Teaching assistant tasks

Organize student’s presentations.

課程要求/評分標準 Course requirements/Grading standards

1. Depend on student’s weekly performance (judged by their efforts, novelty, and presentation), and weighted by how much they contribute to the overall competition results.

2. No exams.

參考書目 Textbook & references (為維護智慧財產權,請務必使用正版書籍)

o Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank. Data Mining : Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations. Third edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.

o Tom M. Mitchell. Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill, 1997.

o Ethem Alpaydin. Introduction to Machine Learning, second edition, The MIT Press, 2010.

o Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Second edition, Springer, 2009.

o Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.

課程相關連結 Course related links

本課程附件 Course attachments
